5 Ways To Engage Your Organic Search Traffic On Social Media

Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research (keywords) or the specific words and phrases that you and your ideal audience are using related to your products, services, industry, etc.

Create A Piece Of Content

When writing a blog, it is essential to remember that the goal is to get new readers to your blog consistently, which will eventually lead to a sale.

Get Organic Traffic

The only thing you have to do in this step is to wait for some organic traffic to trickle in; the goal is to have around 1,000 people. If 1,000 seems like too many, try to have at least 100.

Create A Lookalike Audience

Facebook has an option where you can create a lookalike audience based on its tracking abilities to reach new people who are most likely to be interested in your business

Serve Audience The Social Media Ads

The final step is to show relevant ads to your new lookalike audience that you just created.