Social Media Content Strategy: From Start To Finish

Set Goals That Align With Your Brand

Goal-setting hones your focus and guides your actions so you’re not wasting time on things that don’t matter.

Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

Make sure your profiles are engaging, informative, and appropriately branded so you can help leads discover more about you.

Choose Your Topic Areas And Post Types

Now it’s time to choose your topic areas of focus for your social media content as well as what types of content you’ll post to each channel.

Set Up A Content Calendar And Publishing Schedule

Plan everything from what you’ll post to the day and time it will be posted. You can also plan out campaigns or when you’ll reshare old posts with the right tool

Create A Plan To Engage With Others

Social media isn’t a one-way street, but rather a continuous dialogue between you and your audience. Keep the conversation going by engaging with them and with your wider community.